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EFS Collaborations

Le Cain has made several films with Rouzbeh Rashidi and occasionally other filmmakers associated with Experimental Film Society. These are the cinematic equivalents of split albums, with each filmmaker contributing half of the film.



Rouzbeh Rashidi is a filmmaker and the founder/director of Experimental Film Society. Every film in his prolific, radical and widely acclaimed body of work is, as Film Panic put it, a personal exploration into what cinema is and what it means to be a filmmaker in the 21st century.



Experimental Film Society (EFS) is an autonomous entity explicitly designed for producing cinema through experimentation. It specialises in creating and showcasing experimental cinema. EFS focuses on cultivating film projects that embody its unique cinematic perspective, which has been honed over many years as a non-profit collective.


Self Decapitation

(Rouzbeh Rashidi / Maximilian Le Cain, 2017, 65 mins)


Self Decapitation is a Janus-headed self-portrait by Rouzbeh Rashidi and Maximilian Le Cain in which death and desire take possession in turns of this film in two parts. The ambiguities of inhabiting a human body are conjured by way of film technology in its faults, faulty memories and false promises.

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Forbidden Symmetries

(Dean Kavanagh / Maximilian Le Cain / Rouzbeh Rashidi, 2014, 97 mins)


Three witnesses to the invasion. Three accounts. Are they observing the same thing? Were there any warning signs? And, after all they’ve seen and heard, are they even competent to offer a reliable report? The purpose of this film is to demonstrate that an effort to construct functions known not to exist may on occasion produce interesting frauds.




Weird Weird Movie Kids Do Not Watch The Movie

(Rouzbeh Rashidi / Maximilian Le Cain, 2013, 88 mins)


A hypnotic, visually and sonically immersive exploration of a haunted space that unfolds in two parts. In the first, a woman (Eadaoin O’Donoghue) dissolves her identity into the ghostly resonances she finds in the rooms and corridors of a sprawling, atmospheric seaside basement. In the second, a man (Rashidi), existing in a parallel dimension of the same space, pursues a bizarre and perverse amorous obsession.





(Rouzbeh Rashidi / Maximilian Le Cain, 2013, 37 mins)


An explosive collision between Rashidi’s ongoing laboratory of cinematic forms, Homo Sapiens Project, and the psychic fallout of a Le Cain live film performance.


‘Scene 3’ of the Experimental Film Society portmanteau feature The Last of Deductive Frames (10 mins, 2012)


The Last of Deductive Frames is a collaborative omnibus feature film being made gradually over time by the filmmakers associated with Experimental Film Society. It is a film that starts but never finishes. Each filmmaker contributes a ten minute section to it. The Last of Deductive Frames is a living cinematic organism designed to forget its creators as it evolves.



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Persistencies of Sadness & Still Days

(Rouzbeh Rashidi / Maximilian Le Cain, 2012, 240 mins)


Persistencies of Sadness & Still Days is a four-hour feature film structured in two sections or ‘takes’ of two hours each. This wide-ranging road movie works as an exploration of cinematic form that skirts around possible narratives, ducking through a series of fluctuating audio-visual categories and intensities while getting ever more completely lost. Take the trip...  



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