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CineSalon Experimental Film Festival - Full Programme Online

CineSalon Experimental Film Festival is a new festival taking place in Cork City, Ireland and online from Friday September 13th: CineSalon Experimental Film Festival.

Its full programme of screenings, talks and performances is now up at

It celebrates personal, poetic and formally experimental filmmaking from across the world, providing a platform for film artists to share and discuss their work with adventurous audiences in a relaxed atmosphere. Curated by Benjamin Burns, Shells Le Cain and me, this defiantly independent festival exists to showcase the wild reeds of visionary film that ignore accepted cinematic paradigms and are all the more inspiring for it. This festival grew out of CineSalon, a quarterly experimental film screening event that has taken place at The Guesthouse Project, Cork since June 2023.

The programme at a glance:

Friday September 13th

CineSalon launches with CineSalon: Live & Opulent on Friday 13th, a programme of live film performances at Plugd Records, Cork featuring Shells Le Cain & Mick O’Shea; Vicki Davis; and Benjamin Burns & friends. 7.30pm, tickets €12 now available on Eventbrite.

Saturday September 14th

A day packed full of screenings of screenings at The Guesthouse Project, Cork. As well as two programmes combining short films by Cork- and Ireland-based artists with a selection from the best of CineSalon’s international short film programme, there is a screening of work by CineSalon artist in focus Arran Tenzin Bradstock, an expanded cinema performance by The Guesthouse Collective and a new film work by Natasha Bourke. These events are free and unticketed but seats are strictly limited so please come early to avoid disappointment.

Sunday September 15th

CineSalon takes over the UCC Film & Screen Media space to host a masterclass with one of the true legends of contemporary experimental film: Rouzbeh Rashidi. This is followed by an amazing feature film double bill: the world premiere of Shells Le Cain’s Ghost Dust and the Irish premiere of Rouzbeh Rashidi’s Elpis. A programme brought to you in partnership with UCC Film & Screen Media. Sunday events all free and unticketed.

Online September 14th – 27th

We are proud to present nine online programmes of some of the very best of contemporary experimental film, including a special feature on CineSalon Artist in Focus David Matthew Johnson. Free to stream worldwide.

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