Two new programmes of my short films are now available on Experimental Film Society VOD
1 Afternoons with Johnny (2008)
2 John Puts a Chair Away (2008)
3 Nothing Jumps Out at Me (2012)
4 Something Else (2012)
5 Strange Attractor (2012)
6 Arkady Feed (2013)
7 Sonic Vigil (Sketches) (2014)
Plus free Bonus Material
Ghosts, Fables & Heteronyms
1 The Last Films of Humphrey Esterhase (2011)
2 Habits of a Lifetime (2012)
3. Anthony Jervis Moran – Fragment (circa 1986)
4. The Last of Deductive Frames (2012)
5. Soltan Karl – 12 Films (2010)