Léa Lanoë and I will be presenting a film/lecture performance, Two Times in One Space, curated by Vassily Bourikas at this year's Oberhausen Film Festival. It will take place as part of the festival's Labs section on May 9th.
According to the festival website:
Launched in 2018 and dedicated to analogue film labs across the world, our Labs section had to pause during our online editions and will resume at the 2022 Festival. Under the overall title “Workshop Stories”, we will present the works of around 18 labs in three programmes, with a focus on Canadian labs, including the Canadian Film Farm, who will also hold a workshop during the Festival.
The programmes will be completed by lecture-performances by Karan Talwar of the Mumbai/Berlin-based Harkat Studios and by filmmakers Maximilian Le Cain (Ireland) and Lea Lanoë (France).
About Labs: Collective ventures on celluloid
Introduced in 2018, "Labs" is dedicated to the numerous artists' labs that have formed a network and go public with their own events (filmlabs.org). The section thus continues the Festival's preoccupation with alternatives to the domination of the digital. This is about the interaction between celluloid and photochemical processes, as well as collective, independent production and distribution models. The commercial exploitation of analogue film is coming to an end. What perspectives can analogue artistic film and collective working methods have in our post-cinematographic reality? Thus, a discourse on questions of production, distribution, performance as well as aesthetics will be deepened.